Rooted in growth. Connected through greatness.

We just knew that our brand had to be connected to a tree with our commitment to roots and grounded could it not be?!

That's when the Aspen tree, with its unique qualities, came immediately to mind! Known for its shared root system, Aspen Trees often symbolize community, unity, and connectedness. Because they are often the first tree that will surface after a wildfire, they are also known for their resilience and unshakable spirit. It was only AFTER we landed on the name we also discovered a special connection in the WORD ASPeN.(Amy, Sarah Payne, Neal)

One thing we know for sure is that when people are rooted in their strengths and values, their growth is long-lasting and sustainable. When we were dreaming of a name for Aspen Root Collective we knew that our focus would be on helping teams and individuals get to the root of what matters most- for them and for their organizations.

We are also passionate about rooting people on in their self-development journey! This work is not easy, but it can be fun, engaging, and encouraging.

Let us help you get the to root of your development journey! What do you think is at the root of self-development? Let us know in the comments!

Our mission

Aspen Root Collective focuses on a strengths-based approach to development and growth for organizations and individuals, maximizing our expertise as certified Gallup™ Global Strengths Coaches.

What makes us unique

Our mission goes beyond basic learning to create brave spaces for leaders to explore tough topics, engage with others, and challenge their way of thinking.

  • Strengths-Based™ Approach

  • Innovative & Dynamic Curriculum

  • Action-Oriented Learning

  • Relationship Building + Networking

  • Real-World Experts & Experience

  • A Turnkey Solution

What's in a name? Turns out a LOT! When we launched Aspen Root Collective we knew we wanted to do something a little different. Amy and Sarah have always been focused on curating content and training opportunities that support organizations and individuals in a collaborative way. When facilitators walk alongside clients to help discover opportunities for growth, they maximize their full potential....collectively.

If this sounds like the type of support your organization needs. Let's connect.

A deep understanding of who we serve

If we’ve learned one thing in our years of experience, it’s this: Leaders want to do work that matters. They need to be supported in identifying and refining their purpose and values. We seek to help them develop their strengths and learn the skills needed to thrive and adapt amidst rapid change and shifting cultures.

A variety of avenues that lead to success

Our community leadership development program, Gallup CliftonStrengths® workplace training, and individualized coaching will identify your biggest opportunities and offer customizable coursework to help build competencies to promote success.

Curriculum based in research and executed by experts

Our strategic partners are at the top of their fields and innovative thought leaders. By utilizing a research-based curriculum presented by experts, our facilitators help learners delve into the content with an action-oriented approach. Participants learn skills and crucial competencies through the positive friction created by working with others.

Let’s keep in touch!

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